1) Name given to the states where slavery was LEGAL but did not secede from the Union. a) border b) Union c) Confederacy 2) Which groups of states joined the Confederacy? a) Virginia, Florida, Texas b) New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania c) California, Oregon, Colorado 3) Which was a border state? a) South Carolina b) Tennessee c) Massachusetts d) Delaware 4) Which were Union states? a) Georgia, Virginia, North Carolina b) Tennessee and Ohio c) California, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania 5) Which state broke away from VA to join the Union? a) North Carolina b) Delaware c) West Virginia 6) 1st state to secede? a) Georgia b) North Carolina c) South Carolina 7) President of the Union? a) Lincoln b) Davis 8) President of the Confederacy? a) Lincoln b) Davis 9) How many states seceded? a) 8 b) 9 c) 11 10) Crops grown in the south increasing labor- a) tobacco, indigo, and cotton b) corn wheat and potatoes c) green beans, beets, onions 11) Fort Sumter is in - a) North Carolina b) South Carolina c) Virginia 12) People who were against slavery- a) suffragists b) abolitionists c) politicians 13) States that seceded were called the- a) Confederate States of England b) Confederate States of America c) Confederate States of Mind 14) This federal fort was attacked which led to the Civil War a) Fort Lee b) Fort Campbell c) Fort Sumter 15) What is the name of the war we are studying? a) Revolutionary War b) War of 1812 c) Civil War

Geography of the Civil War






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