1) Which plan balanced the number of free and slave states in the United States? a) Missouri Compromise b) Compromise of 1850 c) Kansas-Nebraska Act d) Fugitive Slave Act 2) Secede means... a) To join a group or team b) To combine groups or teams c) To leave a group or team 3) A civil war is when... a) people from different countries fight against each other b) people from the same country fight against each other c) people from the same continent fight against each other 4) What did the Republican party want? a) To keep slavery in the western territories b) To keep slavery in the northern states c) To keep slavery out of the southern states d) To keep slavery out of the western territories 5) Which of the following was NOT an outcome of the Dred Scott v. Sanford lawsuit? a) It determined slaves had the right to a trial b) It determined that slaves did not have a right to a trial c) It ruled that Congress could not outlaw slavery in any territory 6) Why did the Fugitive-Slave Act cause tension? a) It did not cause tension b) Because it did not allow southerners to catch slaves once they reached the north c) Because it forced northerners to participate in slavery 7) The Kansas-Nebraska Act led to... a) peace b) violence

Causes of the Civil War Review






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