1) We ________________ to Korčula by ferry. a) go b) travelled c) visited 2) My friends and I ________________ to the beach last Saturday. a) goed b) want c) went 3) My uncle ________________ in a big city when he was younger. a) worked b) had c) made 4) We ________________ a good time at the party. a) went b) saw c) had 5) The teacher ________________ the classroom quietly. a) stayed b) entered c) used 6) I ________________ a mountain last weekend. a) travelled b) climbed c) went 7) My baby sister ________________ cartoons yesterday. a) watched b) wached c) waited 8) That woman ________________ a shark in the sea. a) saw b) see c) seed 9) I ________________ in a tent when I was camping. a) stay b) staid c) stayed 10) She ________________ to buy new shoes, but they were too expensive. a) went b) walked c) wanted 11) Dan ________________ his dog this morning. a) walked b) run c) played 12) My friend ________________ London last year. a) visited b) went c) travelled 13) The girl ________________ into the water. a) jump b) jumped c) goed 14) We ________________ a computer game in a computer workshop. a) invented b) create c) make 15) My dad ________________ the car yesterday. a) clean b) washd c) washed 16) I ________________ lunch for my family. a) make b) cooked c) had

Past simple (Holidays)





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