1) WHERE'S THE CHAIR? a) NEXT TO b) IN c) BEHIND d) IN FRONT OF e) ON f) UNDER 2) WHERE ARE THE CHAIRS? a) NEXT TO b) IN c) BEHIND d) IN FRONT OF e) ON f) UNDER 3) WHERE'S THE TV? a) NEXT TO b) IN c) BEHIND d) IN FRONT OF e) ON f) UNDER 4) WHERE'S THE BATH? a) NEXT TO b) IN c) BEHIND d) IN FRONT OF e) ON f) UNDER 5) IS THERE A DESK?  a) YES, THERE IS b) NO, THERE ISN'T c) YES, THERE ARE d) NO, THERE AREN'T 6) ARE THERE SOFAS? a) YES, THERE IS b) NO, THERE ISN'T c) YES, THERE ARE d) NO,THERE AREN'T 7) Where _____ the chairs? _________ the table.  a) are / They're behind b) is / It's next to  c) are / They're next to d)  is / It's behind 8) Where ____ the lamp? _________ the sofa. a) are / They're behind b) are / They're next to c) is / It's next to d) is / It's behind 9) Where ____ the table? _______ the sofa. a) are / They're on b) are / They're behind c) is / It's between d) is / It's behind 10) Where_____ the wardrobe? ________ sofa.  a) is / It's in front of b) is / It's behind c) are / They're in front of d) are / They're behind 11) Where ____ the chair? ____________ the bed. a) are / They're in front of b) are / They're next to c) is / It's next to d) is / It's in front of






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