1) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ___________________ by J.K. Rowling.  a) wrote b) was written c) were written d) written 2) Smith _____________ to five years in prison. a) was sentenced b) was charged c) was given d) was allocated 3) Over a million dollars in cash __________________ from a bank in Los Angeles. a) has been borrowed  b) had stolen c) been borrowed d) has been stolen 4) I'll have to come by bus as my car __________________ . a) was being repaired b) is being repaired c) will be repaired d) will have been repaired 5) The meeting ______________ until the end of the month. a) postponed b) will postponed c) has been postponed d) was cancel 6) VW cars _____________ in Germany and the Czech Republic. a) are made b) is made c) were made d) will be 7) Helmets must ________________ on the site. a) be worn b) be used c) be carried d) be presented 8) A number of people __________________ following a demonstration in central London. a) were arrest b) arrested c) have been arrested d) have been fined 9) It ____________________ that the painting is a fake. a) is a belief b) is now believed c) is widely know d) beggars belief 10) It ___________________ if you could reply as soon as possible. a) would be convenient b) would be courteous c) will be a plus d) would be appreciated 11) Two men ___________________ following a robbery in the city centre this afternoon. a) is being questioned b) are being questioned c) were interrogated d) were fined

Passive voice






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