The French and Indian War (Guerra Franco-Indígena) - War between England & France that results in heavy taxes on the British colonies to pay for costs. , Proclamation of 1763 (Proclamación de 1763) - Parliament's law that stopped colonists from settling West of the Appalachian Mountains. , Quartering Act (Ley de Cuartel) - Parliament passed a rule that New England colonists had to house, feed and wash clothing for British soldiers. , Sons of Liberty (Hijos de Libertad) - Loosely organized secret society in the 13 Colonies created to fight taxation by the British government., Sugar Act (Ley del Azúcar) - The 1st Parliamentary tax on sugar, wine, and coffee., Stamp Act (Ley de Timbre) - Parliamentary tax on newspapers, legal and commercial documents and other paper products.  , The Townshend Act (Ley de Townshend) - Parliamentary taxes on imports of paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea., Tea Act (Ley de Té) - Parliamentary law that allowed the British East India Company to import tea to the colonies without paying a tax. Colonists furious!, Boston Tea Party (Motín del Té) - The Sons of Liberty demonstrated civil disobedience when they boarded a British East India ship and threw the tea cargo into Boston Harbor to protest taxes. , Boston Massacre (Masacre de Boston) - British soldiers shot and killed several colonists after being harassed by a mob in Boston, killing five., The Intolerable Acts (Leyes Intolerables) - British laws to punish Massachusetts which included disbanding the local governments and closing ports. , 1st Continental Congress (Primer Congreso Continental) - Representatives from the 13 Colonies gather to discuss the colonial reaction to British laws including a Boycott of taxed products. , Battles of Lexington and Concord (Batallas de...) - "Shot heard 'round the World"- First two battles of the American Revolution., Battle of Saratoga (Batalla de Saratoga) - Turning point of the American Revolution after the Continental Army defeats British General Burgoyne. France & Spain decide to support the American side., Valley Forge - Continental Army's Winter camp under Washington. Extreme cold, sickness, suffering and disease was endured by soldiers. , Battle of Yorktown (Batalla de Yorktown) - American and French land and sea forces trapped General Cornwallis and forced his surrender. This ended the American Revolution. , Treaty of Paris of 1783 (Tratado de Paris de 1783) - Treaty after the American Revolution that forced England to recognize the United States and set the boundaries from the Atlantic to the Mississippi River. ,

Unit #2 (A)-- 8th Grade US History Vocabulary: The American Revolution- (A) Causes and War






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