1) If I win one million I .....buy a house a) will b) do c) did 2) If I were a figure skater, I ......be slim a) had b) will c) would 3) If I drink a cup of coffee at night I ....fall asleep a) didnt b) don't c) won't 4) If you heat butter it ..... a) will melt b) is melt c) melts 5) If she ..... hard, she will pass the exam a) will study b) studies c) studied 6) If it .....the streets get wet a) rained b) rains c) had rained 7) I would buy a new house if I ....the Christmas lottery a) win b) will win c) won 8) If Tony saves some money, he ..... to Paris a) will go b) could go c) would go 9) If you eat too much, you ...soon gain weight a) would b) will c) could 10) If I saw a burglar in the house, I ....to catch him a) would try b) will try c) would have tried

Conditionals 0, 1, 2






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