1) He went to Chucky Cheese ________ he was a boy. a) and b) but c) when d) because 2) Should we play soccer _________ school?  a) so b) after c) or d) because 3) Laura bought some food ________ it started to rain.  a) before b) or c) because d) but 4) _______ I go to sleep, I will read a book. a) and b) or c) but d) before 5) David cried loudly _______ he hit his toe.  a) when b) because c) so d) if 6) Brush your teeth ________ you eat. a) and b) after c) because d) or 7) Put on your socks ________ you put on your shoes. a) after b) so c) before d) and 8) We are a team _________ we work together. a) but b) because  c) or d) When 9) ______ you check your work, turn it in. a) Or b) After c) So d) But 10) Wash your hands ______ you start eating. a) Because b) before c) or d) so

Mr. Vera's Conjunction Games






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