Absolute Directions - Are provided in relation to a fixed frame of reference regardless of a persons current location , Absolute Location - The precise location determined by a standard grid or coordinate system , Accessibility - Relative ease in which people, goods and ideas can interact, Barrier to Diffusion - Inhibits a phenomenon from spreading across space, Cartograms - Illustrate comparative patterns , Cartography - The art and science of making maps, Cartographic Scale - Map scale or the ratio of distance, Choropleth Maps - Use of color or tonal shades to represent categories of data, Cognitive or mental maps - A dynamic individual representation of a place or an environment , Concentration - When objects or features appear in close proximity to each other, Conformal Projection - The shapes of small areas are preserved such as compass directions on a Mercator Map, Connectivity - A measure of the means of connection and communication between places, Density - The amount of a particular feature within a given area, Diffusion - The way in which phenomenon travel over space , Expansion diffusion - Interaction leads to spread, Relocation Diffusion - Physical relocation leads to spread, Distance Decay - To much distance leads to less interaction Think grocery stores, Distance decay curve - Distance small interaction increased vs. distance great interaction slight, Distortion - Maps are distorted due to three dimenDistribution Conceptssional features placed on two dementional surface , Distribution Concepts - How phenomenon are organized in a space,







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