1) How many Pillars of Islam? a) 5 b) 6 2) How many Pillars of Iman? a) 5 b) 6 3) Who creates vegetables? a) Allah b) Muhammad 4) Allah, Al-Khaliq is The Creator. a) True b) False 5) Allah, Al-Alim is The All Knowing. a) True b) False 6) What is the third Pillars of Iman? a) Believe in Malaikat b) Beleive in Kitab 7) Taurat was revealed to Prophet _______ . a) Musa a.s b) Muhammad s.a.w 8) Zabur was released to Prophet _______ . a) Daud a.s b) Isa a.s 9) Prophet Isa a.s was given _______ . a) Injil b) Al-Quran 10) Prophet Muhammad s.a.w was given Al-Quran. a) True b) False

Islamic Studies Week 3 August 2021






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