What’s something you notice about someone when you first meet them?, What’s your guilty pleasure?, What makes you feel accomplished?, How do you start your day?, What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to try but you’ve been too scared to do?, What’s something you don’t want to be doing in 10 years?, What’s a trend you would like to see disappear forever?, Is there a habit you're trying to give up?, What's an embarrassing moment you can laugh about now?, Is there a book that you read that positively shaped your life?, What is your most romantic characteristic?, What’s your most frequent shower thought?, Do you have any irrational fears?, If you could pick one memory to play on repeat, what would it be?, You are a captain of a dodgeball team. You can only select three fictional characters to be standing next to you on your team. Who are they?, What’s something that is commonly misunderstood about you?, What’s a popular artist or band that you think is overrated?, If you got a dog/cat today, what would you name it?, Pick one social media to delete from the world forever. Which is it and why?, If you had to describe yourself using three nouns, what would they be?, If we could check something off of your bucket list today, what would it be?, What should they teach in school, but don’t?, What should parents stop teaching their children?, How much do you change when you know no one is around?, How much do you know about the world outside your country?, If you are in a bad mood, do you prefer to be left alone or have someone to cheer you up?, What are two things you know you should do but don’t?, What is something that can’t be taught and can only be learned with age?, What makes you say “What was I thinking?” when you look back on your life?, You have $100 to burn, all your friends are busy and you have the whole day to yourself, what do you do?, Longest you have ever kept a plant alive?, What is a food that everyone seems to love but you dislike?, If you could live in a fictional town (book/tv/movie), where would it be?, What is the best bad TV show?, Your favourite “life hack”., One strange thing about your hometown., When you cook for yourself, what is your go-to?, What is the most interesting thing about you?, If you had to be on a reality/game show, which would it be?, What is the most underrated snack?, Your life is made into a movie, name one song/artist that will be on the soundtrack., A new food you tried recently—and your thoughts on it., Name an existing (or made up) Olympic event that you would like to compete in (regardless of ability!), Tell us about a small success you had last week., What is the best praise or advice you’ve ever received?, Describe something that turned out better than you expected., Tell us something you had that was meaningful to you., Show us a photo that represents something you are proud of or interested in., If you were going to start a vlog on YouTube, what would it be about?, Who should everyone be following right now?.

Icebreaker questions






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