Longshore Drift - A process of coastal transportation where the wave meets the coastline at an angle. , Lagoon - An area of sea water which has been trapped due to the creation of a sandbar. , Hydraulic Action - The force of moving water causing material to break away. , Compressed Air - Air trapped within cracks in rocks, being released as an explosion, causing rocks to break. , Destructive wave - A wave which breaks away material along the coastline, Tombolo - A ridge of sand which connects an island to the mainland. , Solution - Material such as rocks being dissolved due to acids within the water, Abrasion - Material within water breaking away river banks/coastlines , Attrition - Material within the water hitting off each other, causing the material to break away further. , Backwash - The movement of a wave back into the sea. , Headland - An area of coastline which has been formed due to coastal erosion. , Swash - The movement of a wave onto the shore. , Constructive wave - Waves which add material along a coastline due to deposition. , Tributary - A small river which joins a larger river. , Ox bow lake - A feature formed by deposition in the middle stage of a river. , Confluence - A place where two rivers meet. , Waterfall - A vertical drop caused by the processes of erosion in the youthful stage of a river. , Source - The point where a river begins. , V-shaped valley - A feature formed due to fluvial erosion. , Sand spit - A feature formed due to longshore drift whereby material is deposited and builds up near a sheltered bay. ,

Coastal and Fluvial Processes and Features






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