1) How old are you, Linda? a) I"m nine years old. b) I"m eight years old. c) I"m ten years old. d) I"m six years old. 2) How / are / old / you / Phong /, / ? a) Phong, how are you? b) How old are you, Phong? c) How old you are, Phong? d) How are old you, Phong? 3) I am.................. years old. a) six b) eight c) nine d) ten 4) How old ............................ you, Nam? a) is b) a c) are d) an 5) I / ten / old / years / am /. a) I am ten years old. b) Am I ten years old. c) I ten years old. d) I ten am years old. 6) .................... is that? - It is Tony. a) How b) What c) Who d) Are 7) Is that Mai? - ......................, it is a) Hi b) Bye c) No d) Yes 8) Is that Peter? - .........................., it is not. a) Yes b) No c) That d) Hi

Unit 4: HOW OLD ARE YOU? LESSON 2: 1,2,3






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