Parthenon- ____, dry ____ construction - Made from marble quarried at nearby Mount ____ rather than limestone. - ____ style with more elegant proportions - ____ “correct” negative optical illusions. The temple floor curves and is higher in the middle than at the corners. The columns tilt in toward the center of the building. The 4 corner columns are thicker than the others. These visual refinements resulted in the ____ temple, which was dedicated to the Greek goddess ____. Pont du Gard - Arcuated, ____ construction built by the ancient Romans- Structure is 3 superimposed ____ - Roman builders used the ____ arch in large public works like this because it could span vast horizontal spaces ____ support. The arches of the 2 lower arcades span 82’ from pier to pier. Colosseum- ____, concrete construction (80-85%) - Exterior is 3 superimposed ____, originally veneered with polished ____ - The seating area is supported by a substructure of annular and radial corridors that allowed for smooth traffic flow within the amphitheater - Estimates of crowd size are as high as ____ spectators (who could safely exit the building and disperse into the city in just ____ minutes) Pantheon- ____ concrete construction (90-95%) - The dome features 2 different profiles: the exterior is called a ____, while the interior is a ____ - ____ counteract the dome’s outward thrust and keep the dome in place on the rotunda - Coffers and a light ____ in the concrete mix decrease the weight of the dome - The ____ was the only source of natural light for the interior in antiquity

Important places architecture






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