1) Do celebrities have higher chance of getting away with crime than non-celebrities? 2) Are humans to blame for certain animal extinctions? 3) Should we kill animals for food? 4) Should cigarettes be banned? 5) Do celebrities make for bad role models? 6) Are we too dependent on computers? 7) Does money motivate people more than any other thing in the workplace? 8) Are video games responsible for bad behavior among children? 9) Which is better: daydreaming or night-dreaming? 10) Is there life after death? 11) If you could go into past through a time machine, which era would you like to go into and why? 12) Which is better to have as a pet – cat or dog? 13) What is a better measure of success – money or wisdom? 14) Is lying OK? If yes, when? 15) What human quality do we need more in the world? Why? 16) Real learning doesn’t happen in a classroom. Yes or No? 17) Should we be judged by how we dress? 18) Should we be judged by how we speak? 19) What would you do if you get one million US dollars? 20) How would you spend three months on an uninhabited island with no escape? Describe your daily routine. 21) Good grades matter. yes or no? 22) If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?  23) What are you grateful for? 24) Does life exist outside our solar system? Why? Why not? 25) Is assassination of a dictator justified? 26) Are professional athletes overpaid? 27) What are keys to a happy life? 28) Is glass half full or half empty for you? 29) Is chess a sport? 30) Freedom of speech should be absolute without any restrictions.

Random conversations 4.1






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