an interval - a short period between the parts of a performance, half-time - a short rest period between the two parts of a sports game, a matinee - a film shown or a play performed during the day, especially in the afternoon, a stadium - a large closed area with seats around the sides and often without a roof, used for sports events and musical performances, an arena - the same as a stadium but with a roof, box office - a place at a theatre, cinema, etc. where tickets are bought or reserved., a row - a line of seats in a theatre, a stage - the area in a theatre that is often raised above ground level and on which actors or entertainers perform, stalls - the seats on the main floor of a theatre or cinema, not at a higher level, circle - an upper floor in a theatre or cinema where people sit to watch the performance, a curtain - the large screen of heavy material in a theatre that separates the stage from the area where people are watching, an opponent - a person who someone is competing against in a sports event, a scene - a part of a play or film in which the action stays in one place for a continuous period of time, a spectator - a person who watches an activity, esp. a sport events, without taking part,

* Live events (EF Inter plus 7B)






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