1) If I________free on Saturday, I´ll help you with the painting a) was b) am c) were 2) If Harry ____________want to come to the party, I will not go either. a) doesn´t b) won´t c) didn´t 3) If I __________you, I would put the desk by the window. a) am b) was c) were 4) If our friends______________on holiday with us, we would have had a great time! a) have come b) had come c) came 5) Mum and dad ____________________ that lovely house if it had been cheaper. a) will bought b) had bought c) would have bought 6) Unless we work quickly, we ______________ the house finished until next year. a) get b) won´t get c) will get 7) If I hadn't got up late on the day of the excursion, I________________________my mobile at home a) wouldn't have left b) had left c) would leave 8) We __________________ the village in twenty minutes if we walk quickly. a) will reach b) would reach c) reach 9) I ______________ all my friends to live with me if I lived in a castle! a) brought b) 'll bring c) would bring 10) How ________________if you lived on the thirtieth floor? a) would you feel b) will you live c) do you feel 11) There won't be enough room for the new furniture if our house _________ small. a) was b) will be c) is 12) If the weather had been good, they _____________________ for a picnic. a) might go b) could have gone c) would had gone

First, second or third conditional? English File 9A






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