1) Is it better to buy than to rent? 2) How would you describe the style of your home? 3) What pictures do you have on your walls? 4) Where and what would be your dream home? 5) What's your favourite item of furniture? 6) What's more important, comfort or style? 7) What makes you laugh? 8) Do you like to tell jokes? 9) Have you ever laughed at an inappropriate time? 10) Have you ever laughed at an inappropriate time? 11) Do you ever shop online? 12) How do you think the internet might develop in the future? 13) What websites do you visit the most? 14) How much time do you spend on the internet? 15) When did you first get on the internet? 16) Have you ever created your own website? 17) How worried are you about giving websites your personal information? 18) What kind of job would you hate to have? 19) If you won a lot of money, would you give up work? 20) What would be your dream job? 21) Do you know anyone with an interesting or unusual job? 22) How will your job change in the future? 23) Do you think there should be more or less laws? 24) Would you like to be a police officer? 25) Is it ok to break the law sometimes? 26) Do you think couples should live together before getting married? 27) What are weddings like in your country? 28) What kind of people are you attracted to? 29) Would you ever use an online dating site?

Random conversations 9






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