1) What are the hottest and coldest temperatures you have experienced? 2) Have you ever thought about moving to a country with a different climate? 3) What's your least favourite type of weather? 4) What's your favourite season? 5) What's your favourite kind of weather? 6) What do you like to do on a rainy Sunday? 7) How many different words or phrases can you think of to describe rain in English? 8) Is it normal in your country to make small talk about the weather? 9) Have you ever experienced extreme weather conditions? 10) What Christmas traditions do you enjoy? 11) Do you enjoy buying presents for other people? 12) Do you wish it could be Christmas every day? 13) What is a typical Christmas Day for you? 14) What do you like to eat at Christmas time? 15) Do you do your Christmas shopping nice and early or at the last minute? 16) What do you dislike about Christmas? 17) Do you like Christmas music? 18) When will flying cars be invented? 19) Will people still carry cash in 20 years? 20) What will the world be like in 50 years? 21) How will you spend your time when you retire? 22) What games did you play in the school playground? 23) What was your favourite toy? 24) What was the last meal you cooked? 25) Why are you learning English? 26) What are you wearing today? 27) Where are you going after this class? 28) What are you looking forward to? 29) What is a friend of yours probably doing at the moment? 30) Have you ever had a bad haircut?

Random conversations 13






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