1) How do you celebrate Christmas? 2) What are the traditions to celebrate Christmas in your country? 3) Do you follow the traditions of your country? 4) Do you give Christmas presents? How do you decide what to give? 5) Do you do charity at Christmas time? or any other time of the year? 6) Do you get Christmas presents? What did you receive last Christmas? Were you happy about it? 7) People are more open to charity at Christmas time. Do you agree or disagree? 8) What is the weather like at Christmas in your country? 9) Do you send or get Christmas cards? 10) What do you usually eat at Christmas? 11) Who cooks the Christmas meals in your family? 12) What do you like about Christmas? 13) What don"t you like about Christmas? 14) Would you like to spend the Christmas holidays in another country? 15) Christmas has become too commercialized. Do you agree or disagree? 16) What would you change about Christmas if you could? 17) Do you put up a Christmas tree? Talk about it :) 18) What does Christmas mean to you? 19) Which is your favourite Christmas song/ film? Why? 20) When do you start preparing for Christmas?







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