deer - a large brown animal with long thin legs, elephant  - a very large wild animal that lives in Africa and Asia. It has thick grey skin and a very long nose called a trunk, monkey - an animal with a long tail that climbs trees and uses its hands in the same way that people do, giraffe - a tall African animal that has a very long neck and legs, rhinoceros - a large animal with very thick grey skin and one or two horns on its nose. It lives mainly in southern Asia and Africa., leopard - a large wild animal from Africa and Southern Asia that has golden fur with black spots, hippopotamus  - a large African animal with a wide head and mouth and thick grey skin, snake - a long thin animal with no legs and a smooth skin, lion - a large African wild animal with golden fur. The male ... has thick hair around its head called a mane., tiger - a large Asian wild animal that has yellowish fur with black lines and is a member of the cat family,

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