He warned, however, that the afternoon thunderstorms could put a damper ____ beach fun. The police claimed to be in the ____ about the "surrender game". "What did you think of my singing, then?" "Er, don't give ____ the day job!" Mr President, several weeks after the governing coalition in Pakistan was on the verge of collapse, the country was rocked by the shooting, in ____ daylight, of the Governor of Punjab. Circus performers are, ____ definition, risk takers. She's been in the same job ____ donkey's years. The plane landed ____ two o'clock ____ the dot. Claire's always one to ____ a sympathetic ear if you have problems. She has not prepared her speech. She is going to play it ____ ear. Xiaomi seems to be a company ____ the cutting edge of mobile communications technology He could no longer keep his eyes open to watch any of the videos which, until quite recently, would have kept him on the ____ of his seat. It looked like a simple accident, but the detective suspected that there was more to the situation than met the ____.

Fixed phrases CPE unit 3






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