What are some of the most serious environmental problems your country is facing?, Describe the geographical features of your country., Do you watch documentaries? Are they better than books to get information from?, Do you often watch news on TV? Compare different news sources (TV, newspapers, the Internet)., Could you live without the TV? Why (not)?, Have you ever had to stay in hospital? When? Why?, What are the five places you would most like to visit? Why?, Describe a place in your or some other country that you think everyone should visit. Why is this place so special?, What are your future career plans? What qualities do you need to be successful at that job?, Have you ever had a part-time job? Is it easy for students in your country to find part-time jobs? What do they usually do? Do you think it is a good idea to study and work at the same time?, What are the most common problems people have at work/with their employers/with colleagues in your country? Why do people lose their jobs in your country? Why do people in your country leave their jobs?, What do you look for in a friend? Think about personality, physical appearance, social & educational background, lifestyle, etc., Do you agree with the saying that a book is your best friend? Why (not)?, Do you think you could live without the Internet? Why (not)?, Do you spend too much time on the computer? What do you usually do?, What illnesses and injuries have you had so far? Describe the situation. What did you do to recover? Have you ever tried any old wives’ remedies? Did they work?, How would you describe Aydın as a city? What changes would you make if you were the mayor?, How would you describe your hometown? What is there to see and do in your hometown?, What are the most important characteristics and qualifications employers look for? What can give people an advantage when they apply for a job? If you had to write a CV now, what would be your strengths and weaknesses?, Women should not work. Do you agree with this idea? Why or why not?.







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