1) Where did you grow up? 2) Would you rather have a grapefruit sized head or a head the size of a watermelon? 3) Do you prefer cats or dogs? 4) What are your three must have smart phone apps? 5) Do you believe in luck? 6) What is the best part of your day? 7) Would you rather be blind or deaf? 8) Describe your perfect day. 9) What quality about yourself do you value most? 10) What do you do when you're bored? 11) If you could choose to have any useless super power, what would you pick? 12) What is your preferred method of contacting someone (e-mail, phone, text...)? 13) Do you like to dance or sing? 14) What would you want your last words to be? 15) What do you think your life will look like in 10 years? 16) How would you know if you were in love? 17) What is your favorite drink? 18) What is biggest regret? 19) If you had to give yourself a new name, what name would you pick? 20) Do you prefer to travel or stay close to home? 21) What is the first thing that you notice when meeting someone new? 22) What's in your fridge? 23) What was your first job? 24) What is your favorite meal of the day? 25) Would you be willing to reduce your life span by 10 years to become rich or famous? 26) What’s one of your worst habits? 27) What are some things that you shouldn't say at a funeral? 28) What is your biggest concern about the future? 29) Are you smarter than your parents? 30) What's your ideal way to celebrate your birthday?

Random conversations 16






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