1) tội ăn TRỘM trong nhà a) mugging b) shoplifting c) burglary d) theft 2) sự lừa đảo/ tội lừa đảo a) burglary b) fraud c) theft d) vandalism 3) tội cướp giật ngoài đường, sử dụng đe dọa hoặc bạo lực a) mugging b) piracy c) robbery d) fraud 4) tội gian lận/ nạn cướp biển a) piracy b) vandalism c) burglary d) shoplifting 5) tội ăn CƯỚP/ sự ăn CƯỚP tại ngân hàng, cửa hàng dùng vũ khí đe dọa a) shoplifting b) theft c) vandalism d) robbery 6) tội ăn cắp đồ ở các cửa hàng a) burglary b) mugging c) shoplifting d) robbery 7) sự trộm cắp/ tội ăn cắp a) theft b) vandalism c) shoplifting d) piracy 8) hành động cố ý phá hoại các công trình/ tài sản công a) piracy b) burglary c) vandalism d) mugging 9) A BURGLARY (1 vụ trộm) is when someone enters a building illegally and ____ a) steals things from it b) takes things inside the building without paying 10) A THEFT (1 vụ trộm cắp) is when someone ... a) steals something from a person or a place. b) steals something from a shop 11) A ROBBERY is when someone a) enters a house and steals things from it. b) steals money or goods (hàng hóa) with violence 12) VANDALISM is when ... a) someone destroys public property for no good reason. b) someone destroys a house or a car for no good reason. 13) SHOPLIFTING is when someone ... a) takes things from a shop with a lot of money. b) kes things from a shop without paying 14) PIRACY is when you___ a) trick someone to get money or something from them. b) copy a CD, DVD, or software illegally (một cách bất hợp pháp).  15) MUGGING is when you ___ a) take a person's money or possessions using violence. b) destroy someone possessions and use violence with them. 16) FRAUD is when you __ a) copy a CD, DVD, or software illegally. b) trick someone to get money or something from them. 17) A person who does burglary is ___ a) burglar b) burgler c) buggar 18) A person who attacks somebody in order to steal their money is a ___ a) mugger b) stealer c) robber 19) A person who commits (phạm tội) fraud is a __ a) frauster b) fraudster c) froster 20) a person who makes illegal copies of books, computer programs...in order to sell them is a __ a) pirate b) pairot c) parrot 21) __ is a person who commits a robbery. a) A robber b) A rober c) A rabber 22) ___ is a person who steals goods (hàng hóa) from a shop without paying. a) Shoplifter b) Shoplifting c) Shoplift 23) A ___ is a person who commits (phạm tội) a theft. a) theef b) thief c) theif 24) a person who destroys or damages public property is a ___ a) vandal b) vandle c) vandalist 25) a person who commits vandalism is a ___ a) vandalist b) vandal c) vandel 26) A person who steals things from another person or a place is __ a) thif b) theif c) thief






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