If you were invisible for one day, what would you be?, What is your favorite food?, What is a new hobby you are interested in starting?, What is your favorite tv show?, What is one thing you are really good at?, What do you like to do during your free time?, If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?, If you could spend one day with any fictional character, who would it be?, Tell us one fun fact about yourself?, What is your favorite app on your phone and why?, I'm excited to learn about ..., One of my goals for this year is..., Would you rather call someone or text someone?, Would you rather become an adult overnight or remain as a teenager for the rest of your life?, Would you rather only watch cartoons or only watch the news?, Would you rather get tagged on a post by a family member or tag a family member on your post. , Would you rather live in space or live under the sea?, What's your favorite restaurant?, What's one thing you're looking forward to this year?, What's your favorite family tradition?.







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