1) Is the Amazon___river in the world? a) the longest b) longer  2) Alex is____than me. a) taller b) the tallest 3) Yesterday was___day of the year. a) colder  b) the coldest 4) My father is___than my mother. a) the youngest b) younger 5) He wants to be___person in the country. a) richer b) the richest 6) Is this exercise___on this page? a) more difficult b) the most difficult 7) This fish is so good. It's___food that my mother makes! a) better b) the best 8) Which is___mountain in the world? a) the highest b) higher 9) Do you think books are____than films? a) the best b) better 10) He can pick up a 50 kilo bag of potatoes. He's____man I know. a) the strongest b) stronger

Comparatives and Superlatives






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