Soda or Juice?, Burguer King or Mc Donalds?, Tik Tok or Youtube?, Pizza or Hot Dog?, Chocolate or Ice Cream?, Europe or North America?, Football or Volleyball?, Instagram or Twitter?, BBB or Netflix?, Going to the cinema or Netflix at home?, Marvel or DC?, Movies or Series?, Netflix or Disney +?, Apple or Samsung?, Sleeping or Going Out?, English or Portuguese?, Coffee or Tea?, Cats or Dogs?, Day or Night?, Breakfast or Dinner?, Comedy or Drama?, Going camping or staying in a hotel?, warm and sunny or cold and cloudy day?, Going out at night or staying in?, travelling alone or with friends?, travelling by bus or car?, Visiting parks or museums?, Going to the beach or to a farm?, salty or sweet?, ketchup or mayonnaise?, owe money or owe a favor?, words or actions?, money or love?, poor and happy or rich and sad?.







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