Climate: The Amazon Basin has a hot and humid equatorial climate. 60% of the area is tropical rainforest, annual rainfall 2,000 to 3,000mm., Much of Brazil has a tropical climate with average temperatures of 26o and annual rainfall of 1,000 - 2,000mm between October and March., Soils: The Amazon Basin’s tropical red soils are rich in humus, heavy leaching and severe soil erosion limits agricultural use., The South-East is covered by terra rossa soils, dark in colour rich in minerals, well drained and fertile, Inland in the Central Plateau, soils are acidic and less fertile. , Fertile alluvial soils are also present along the flood plains of the Parana and Sao Francisco rivers. coffee growing., Relief: The North is lowland dominated by the Amazon Basin. , Ranching occurs in the inland Central Plateau, on huge highly mechanised farms. , In the coastal lowlands sugarcane is grown in large plantations called fazendas. ,

Brazil Primary Activities - physical factors






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