1) What emotions are masked by anger? a) Hurt b) Disappointment c) Frustration d) Overwhelmed e) Excitement 2) What can happen if someone swallows their anger all the time? a) You can live happily ever after b) you can suffer from health problems in the future such as high blood pressure and heart issues c) Nothing happens. Getting angry is healthy d) The more angry you get the better 3) How come children cant express their anger? a) They don't feel angry. Their lives are perfect.  b) They are scared others might laugh or judge them. c) They feel uncomfortable talking about what makes them angry.  d)  They don't know how to say they are angry. e) They love feeling angry 4) What makes children angry? a) parents b) siblings c) nothing d) friends e) other angry feelings 5) Anger can cause these physical reactions? a) Fast heart beats b) red face c) smiles, rainbows and unicorns d) urge to destroy property and throw things e) Clenched fists f) Talking back or saying foul language 6) What might make someone angry at home? a) Nothing makes them upset, they live in a perfect place b) when they dont have their own room or privacy c) when siblings hit them d) When no one listens to them 7) What makes someone mad at school? a) nothing, they are straight A students b) When others bully them at school c) children are always happy d) When they get bad grades 8) What is the best way to cope with anger? a) nothing can fix anger because it goes away by itself b) Coping skills don't work for people c) Taking a break and deep breaths d) write your feelings down and then crumbled up the piece of paper e) think about a happy memory from your life to distract your anger 9) How can children express their anger to their parents? a) Just stay quiet and dont say anything to them b) Parents dont understand, they have their own problems to deal with c) sit down with your parents and be transparent. try telling them what is bothering you and what anger you. parents will understand d) Try writing a letter to them first and see if that helps you talk to your parents e) parents are always busy.

Capture your ANGER






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