state rooms - large rooms used for official or important events, on the throne - being the kind or queen, monarch - a kind of queen, blend - to mix two or more things together completely – mieszać, łączyć, miksować, grand - very large and special, homegrown - from your own garden; or she he it was developed / grown in own country, sibling - a sister or brother – brat, siostra, rodzeństwo, bond - an interest, experience, or feeling that makes two people feel connected - więź, formidable - someone who is strong and slightly frightening – budzący respect lub grozę, festive - happy and enjoyable because people are celebrating – uroczysty, świąteczny, cheer - to shout loudly in order to show your approval or to encourage someone - wiwatować, gig - 1) a synonym to a job 2) a single performance by a musician or group of musicians, especially playing modern or pop music, or by a comedian, outgrow - to grow top big for something (wyrastać), stardom - the quality of being very famous for acting (sława), boundless - having no limits (bezgraniczny), naysayer - someone who says something is not possible, is not good, or will fail, portend - to be a sign that something bad likely to happen in the future, dystopian - relating to a very bad or unfair society in which there is a lot of suffering, exp. An imaginary society in the future, disenfranchised (1) - not having the right to vote, or a similar right, or having had that right taken away, disenfranchised (2) - having no power to make people listen to your opinion or to affect the society you live in, wedge (1) - a piece of something that is thin at one end and thicker at the other (kiln, kawałek), wedge (2) - to push something into a narrow space (wciskać), piecework - work for which the amount of pay depends on the number of things finished rather than on the time spent making them, yield - to produce or provide something (przynosić), hotelier - someone who owns or is in charge of a hotel (hotela-rz/rka), artisan - someone who does skilled work with their hands (rzemieślnik), morph - to gradually change, or change someone or something, from one thing to another, blurred - a sudden fall in the level or amount of something (spadek; to become lower in level or amount (spadać, obniżać się), entrepreneurial /ˌɒn.trə.prəˈnɜː.ri.əl/ - relating to someone who starts their own business or is good at seeing new opportunities to make money, spur - to encourage someone to do something or something to happen (zachęcać),







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