1) Many people feel ‘afraid’ when they …. a) see their best friend b) lose a pen c) pass an English test d) see a big spider 2) Many people feel ‘angry’ when a) they have an argument b) they sleep a long time c) someone says ‘hello’ d) they eat an apple 3) Many people feel ‘bored’ when they a) have many things to do b) forget to do something c) remember to do something d) have nothing to do 4) Many people feel ‘calm’ when they a) are in a quiet place b) cry c) watch an action movie d) fall down 5) Many people feel ‘nervous’ when they …. a) see a flower b) start a test in school c) order a hamburger d) finish a test in school 6) Many people feel ‘confident’ when they a) tell people to do something b) know how to do something c) forget to do something d) don’t want to do something 7) Many people feel ‘curious’  when they a) don’t want to know something b) must do something c) want to know something d) do not have to do anything 8) Many people feel ‘embarrassed’ when they a) eat candy b) make a mistake c) go to sleep d) have brown hair 9) Many people feel ‘excited’ when they a) find money b) wake up c) lose money d) go to sleep 10) People may feel ‘envious’ when they a) have something I want b) give me something c) want something I have d) eat something 11) Many people feel ‘lonely’ when they a) are with many people b) watch a funny movie c) are not with other people d) watch a long movie 12) Many people feel ‘proud’ when they a) get an ‘A+’ on a test in school b) forget to study for a test in school c) get an ‘F’ on a test in school d) study for a test in school 13) Many people feel ‘shy’ when they a) run very fast b) buy something c) listen to music d) meet new people 14) Many people feel ‘stressed’ when they a) watch an interesting TV show b) sing ‘Happy Birthday’ c) eat chocolate cake or ice-cream d) don’t have enough time to do something

Emotions quiz






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