What do you like best about your job?, What do you like least about your job?, How long have you had your current job?, What skills do you need to be good at your job?, What are your main responsibilities?, Is your work stressful?, Do you find it easy to get on with people at work?, Do you prefer to work in a team or independently? Why?, Describe your ideal boss. Would you make a good boss?, Does your company have a good reputation with the public?, Do employees tend to stay on for a long time or is there a high rate of turnover?, How does your company market itself?, Would you rather work in a big company or a small company?, Would you work for the government? Why or why not?, Would you prefer a well-paid job where you are under pressure or a more relaxed job with lower salary?, What would you do differently if you had more time?, What are three ways to save time in your daily life?, How much money do you need to be considered rich in your country?, Is your company modern or traditional?, Do you feel that you have a good work-life balance?, What new business technology do you think we will see in five or ten years?, What are your favorite apps and websites?, How does your company use technology?, How would you like to improve yourself?, What advice would you give a younger you?, How has your industry changed in the past 30 years? How will it change in the future?, Is the management in your company strict or lenient?, Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future?, Does your company have a dress code?, Are you good at dealing with customers?, How often do you need to attend meetings at your workplace? How long do your meetings usually last? Are they generally formal or informal?, Do you know the basics of first aid?, Describe your workspace., What benefits do you have in your company?.

business English






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