Living with my sister is ____ difficult! She’s very ____. She’s six, so her only ____ are putting her toys ____ and feeding ____ cat, Mr Paws. Her toys are ____ on the floor and Mr Paws’ bowl is usually ____! I’m tidy and ____, so I often do her chores in the end. I ____ her, but I think I’m too ____ with her! I’m the only ____ in the family. My brothers say I’m too ____ and the neighbours can hear me when I talk, but that’s ____ true. We sometimes argue about what to ____ on TV. All brothers and sisters argue ____! My brothers ____ win and I watch the things they like, even the ____. But I’m ____-going and I don’t get ____ easily. I’m very ____ and I like spending time on my own. I like ____ or playing video games in my room. My brother is very ____ from me. He can’t spend one minute on his ____! He is also very ____. He ____ tells me what to do! Sometimes I ____ my best friend, Chris, is ____ – he is an only ____!

GG3 Unit 1.5 p. 17 (text)






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