1) The exam is ... than the exercises a) difficulter b) difficult c) more difficult d) more difficulter 2) My new dress is ... than yours! a) cheaper b) cheap c) more cheap d) cheapper 3) I want a ... size than this one, please a) big b) biger c) bigger d) more big 4) Martha's coat is ... than mine a) expensive b) expensiver c) more expensiver d) more expensive 5) This rock is ... than the feather a) less heavy b) heavier c) more heavy d) heavyer 6) This coat is ... than the one on the window a) less expensive b) less expensiver c) expensiver less d) expensive less 7) ... you study, ... your results a) Harder/ better b) The harder/ better c) The harder/ the better d) the hard/ the better 8) This yard sale is ... the last one a) not as better as b) not as good as c) not good as d) not as good than







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