1) The children go to birthday parties _______________ weekend. a) every b) last c) next 2) The policeman sent the thieves to prison ___________ month. a) every b) next c) last 3) The doctor helped the girl ________________ Monday. a) right now b) last c) every 4) We’re listening to the announcement ________________. a) at the moment b) every day c) two hours ago 5) My uncle put the book on the shelf _____________ week. a) last b) every c) next 6) She isn’t in the garden __________________.Where is she? a) yesterday b) right now c) always 7) My brother doesn’t eat vegetables ________________day. a) next b) every c) last 8) He used to eat a lot of vegetables ______________ year a) next b) every c) last 9) My brother begged me to lend him my bicycle _____________ weekend a) every b) next c) last

Present Simple, Present Continuous & Past Simple keywords





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