1) My house is ________ than yours. a) bigger b) more big c) less big 2) This flower is ________ than that one over there. a) beautifuler b) as beautiful c) more beautiful 3) This book is as ________ as the film. a) more interesting b) interesting c) interestinger 4) A holiday by the sea is ________ than a holiday in the mountains. a) better b) gooder c) more good 5) Cats are not as ________ as dogs. a) friendlier b) friendly c) more friendly 6) It's strange but often a beer is ________ than a coke. a) cheaper b) more cheap c) more cheaply 7) The weather this summer is even ________ than last summer. a) worse b) more bad c) badder 8) London is ________ than Madrid. a) less large b) more large c) larger 9) Oranges are as ________ as lemons. a) healthy b) healthier c) more healthy 10) My little brother is ________ than my sister. a) happier b) happyer c) more happy  11) Sweets are ________ than vegetables. a) less healthier b) less healthy c) healthyer  12) Tennis is not as ________ as football. a) popular b) more popular c) popularly

Comparatives Quiz






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