True: Mr Utterson didn't sleep well, because he was thinking about Dr. Jekyll's will, Mr Utterson thinks that Jekyll is afraid of Hyde., Mr Utterson saw Mr Hyde going into Dr Jekyll's house., Dr Jekyll's servants took orders from Mr. Hyde., Mr Utterson wanted to see Hyde's face to remember him., Mr Utterson is a Lawyer, Utterson and Enfield are cousins, Utterson thinks that Hyde is blackmailing Jekyll, Jekyll calls Lanyon an "ignorant, blatant pedant", A maid witnessed Carew's murder, Hyde killed Carew with a cane, Hyde has a house in Soho, They found the rest of the cane and a chequebook in Soho, Robert Louis Stevenson wrote the novella, It is believed that Jack the Ripper was influenced by the story, False: Dr. Lanyon was a lawyer., Dr Lanyon has heard about Mr Hyde, Dr Jekyll was going out when Mr Hyde was coming in., Hyde didn't ask Mr Utterson any questions., Hyde didn't look at Mr Utterson., Enfield is relieved that he told Utterson about Hyde, Utterson had never heard the name Hyde before, Lanyon and Utterson are still close friends, Jekyll listens to Utterson's concerns about Hyde, Sir Danvers Carew was a young man, Utterson witnessed Carew's murder, Poole notices that the handwriting is the same as Jekyll's, Hyde's house in Soho was filthy, The novel was published in 1884, It is set in Edinburgh,

EMC Jekyll and Hyde






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