1) ....spend the night in an aquarium or in a botanical garden? 2) ....have a family of 12 children or never be able to have children at all? 3) ....change your eye color or your hair color? 4) ....live the rest of your life as a monk or followed continuously by paparazzi? 5) ....never need to eat or never need to drink again? 6) ....sing karaoke or dance on stage? 7) ....go on a tropical vacation or visit snowy mountains? 8) ....ride a bike or walk? 9) ....be a house pet or a wild animal? 10) ....lose the ability to speak or lose the ability to hear? 11) ....discover a new planet or discover a new species of animal? 12) ....wear a dog collar or cat ears in public? 13) ....eat every meal alone or never eat at a restaurant again? 14) ....get one big gift or lots of tiny gifts? 15) ....only speak in riddles or only speak in rhyme? 16) ....have to eat a raw onion like an apple everyday or never eat cheese again? 17) ....bark like a dog whenever asked a question or meow like a cat? 18) ....have a permanent unibrow or permanent body hair? 19) ....have a very long ponytail or a shaved head? 20) ....wear the same outfit for an entire week without washing it or not change your sheets for six months? 21) ....eat cereal with orange juice or make hot chocolate with orange juice? 22) ....stay awake for an entire day once a week or sleep for an entire day once a week? 23) ....never be able to shower or never be able to brush your teeth? 24) ....choose the way you die or be able to speak to the dead? 25) ....live on the streets or spend your lifetime in prison? 26) ....always speak your mind or remain silent the rest of your life? 27) ....never get mad or never get jealous? 28) ....donate your organs to those in need or have your body used for scientific discoveries? 29) ....lose your pet or your best friend? 30) ....experience permanent daytime or nighttime?

Would You Rather 9






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