1) I ______________ to London tomorrow. a) am flying b) will fly c) am going to fly 2) Look! He _______________ off the wall. a) will fall b) is going to fall c) falls 3) I _____________ you with your homework. Don't worry! a) am helping  b) am going to help c) will help 4) We ___________________ tomorrow at 7 p.m. a) will meet b) are going to meet c) are meeting 5) The sky is grey. It ______________________ . a) is snowing b) is going to snow c) will snow 6) Don't worry. I ___________ come with you tomorrow, so you don't feel lonely. a) am going to b) am c) will 7) My friend and I __________________ dinner in the new restaurant tomorrow. a) will eat b) are eating c) going to eat 8) We use _______________ for an offer, promises and fast decisions. a) Present Simple b) Future Simple (will) 9) We use _____________ for a plan or intention for the future. a) Present Simple b) Present Continuous c) to be going to 10) We use ______________ for future arrangements. a) Present Continuous b) to be going to c) Future Continuous 11) We use ______________ for predictions based on evidence. a) Future Simple b) to be going to c) Future Continuous 12) We use _____________ for time tables and schedules. a) Present Continuous b) Future Simple c) Present Simple

All Future Forms: Present Simple, Continuous, Will, Be going to






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