1) ................. is to get rid of dirt a) Al-Najasah b) Alhadath c) Al-taharah 2) The two kinds of Taharah are Taharah from Hadath And taharah from …………………….. a) Al-Najasah b) Alhadath c) Al-taharah 3) Purification from Hadath means : a) -clean my body, clothes and the place of najasa b) -taking Wudhu (washing), or do tayammum 4) Purification from Najasa means: a) -clean my body, clothes and the place of najasa b) -taking Wudhu (washing), 5) (Impure water (Najis a) Can not use it for Tahrah(cleanliness ) b) Can use it for Tahrah(cleanliness ) 6) Pure water ( Taher ) a) Water is mixed with urine. b) Rain water, sea water and river water 7) There are two types of water Taher and Najis a) True b) False

Islamic Studies






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