competent, conscientious, genuine, idealistic, imaginative, insecure, insensitive, modest, naive, open-minded, outgoing, protective, self-centred, unconventional, (a bit) rusty, bilingual, loanword, universal, explosion, variety, characteristics, influential, enrich, articulate, high-flying, multinational, neighbourhood, idiom: all thumbs, idiom: weak at the knees, idiom: bees knees, idiom: dig your heels in, idiom: by the skin of your teeth, idiom: bite the bullet, idiom: to cut somebody some slack, idiom: go back to the drawing board, idiom: keep a straight face, idiom: a flash in the pan, idiom: wrong end of the stick, idiom: pardon my French, idiom: to tie the knot, idiom: to hit the sack, idiom: wet behind the ears, idiom: get someone´s back up, idiom: pick someone´s brain, idiom: keep your eyes peeled, idiom: get something off your chest, idiom: take something on the chin, idiom: get cold feet, idiom: stick your neck out, idiom: turn your nose up at something, idiom: be tongue-tied, fearless, to sue (verb), self-conscious, aggressive, approachable, moody, uptight, quirk, grimace, borrow, earn, hire, lend, ex-politician, autobiography, prejudge, destabilise, idiom: go on a wild goose chase, interviewee, idiom: go back to the drawing board, idiom: in cahoots with someone, idiom: to jump ship, idiom: to thumb (your/his/her) nose, idiom: to carry the can, idiom: to carry weight, idiom: to carry the torch.

Taboo - Vocabulary Complete Advanced C1







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