Mirror - it is an example of a smooth surface that reflects all the light rays. This could be either be plane or spherical in form., object - It is anything from which light rays radiate, Principal Axis - it is the straight line that intersects the center of curvature and the vertex (two words), Convex - It is a mirror that is shaped like the exterior of a circle and usually used to have a wider view, Virtual - It is an image formed when outgoing rays don’t actually pass through the image point., Plane - images formed in this type of mirror is usually virtual, upright, the same size and located behind the mirror, Image - it is formed when all reflected rays hit the same point, Concave - It is a mirror that is usually used to magnify objects and is shaped like the interior of a circle, Law of Reflection - It is the law that states that all rays striking a surface will bounce back at an angle equal to the angle of incidence., Real - It is an image formed when light rays actually pass through the image point,

Generalization: Reflection and Mirrors






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