sum - The answer to an addition problem, difference - The answer to a subtraction problem, quotient - The answer to a division problem, product - The answer to a multiplication problem, associativeproperty - Property in math that allows you to group numbers differently in addition and multiplication but get the same result, distributiveproperty - Property in math that allows you to multiply what is outside a parenthesis by what is inside the parenthesis, commutitiveproperty - Property in math that allows you to change the order of addition and multiplication but not change the result, algebraicexpression - Series of terms that are seperated by + and - signs, coefficient - Constant in front of a variable that you multiply by the variable, proportion - Two ratios that are equal to each other, ratio - Comparison of two quantities by division, numerator - Top number in a fraction; tells how many parts you have, denominator - Bottom number in a fraction; tells how many parts are in the whole, variable - Letter that represents an unknown number, percent - Number that represents a fraction out of 100, liketerms - Terms that have the same variable, simplify - To use the properties to make an expression easier to work with, negativenumber - Number that is less than zero, absolutevalue - The distance a number is from zero, equivalent - Expressions that have the same value when the variable is substituted,






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