1) What is meant with BIODIVERSITY? a) Vertebrate b) Variety of living organisms c) Flora and Fauna d) Green plants 2) BIODIVERSITY is consists of ______________. a) Microorganisms, animals and plants b) Invertebrate & vertebrate animals c) Flora and Fauna d) Green plants 3) Example of human activities that can destroy the environment. a) Overfishing b) Planting new plants c) Legal logging d) Entertainment 4) The extinction of species does not give the Earth harmful effects. a) True b) False c) Maybe 5) Geologic Timescale is a scale used to represent and show the existence and extinction of organisms. a) True b) False c) Maybe 6) When organisms are struggling among themselves for a limited resource. a) Cooperation b) Carrying Capacity c) Competition 7) A living or nonliving factor in the environment that limits the growth of a population. a) Carrying Capacity b) Immigration c) Limiting factor 8) The maximum number of organisms of one species that the environment can support. a) Carrying Capacity b) Imitating Capacity c) Competition 9) Human activities are among the causes of species extinction. a) True b) False c) Maybe 10) All the organisms or species on Earth have already been identified. a) True b) False c) Maybe







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