What are your parents like?, What do you and your family like to do together? , What are some of your fondest memories of your childhood?, What household chores should children do? , How should parents discipline their children? , How common is divorce in your country what are some of the reasons? , Tell us about the reasons you use a computer. , Is there anything that you don't like about using the internet? , Is there anything you would like to learn to do on the computer? , Do you think our life has improved by computer technology? , Can you mention some computer security practices?, What computer software do people use most often? , How often do you go shopping? , What types of shops do you prefer? , What do you find either enjoyable or difficult about shopping? , Tell us about a good friend and explain why you are friends? , When and where did you meet your best friend? , Tell us some ways in which you and your friend are similar or different? , What kind of things do friends sometimes argue about? , What do you think about making friends over the internet? , What makes friends different from family? , What do you like most about your job?, What was your dream job when you were a child? , Do you like your boss? Why or why not? , What should you consider when choosing a career? , Who are the best people to advise you on a career? , There's no such thing as a 'job for life'. Do you agree or disagree? , How much do you use computers and what for? , What technology do you use to listen to music? , Have you ever used the internet to learn English in any way? , What role does technology play in our life? , What technological changes have ever taken place in your lifetime? , What do you think has been the most useful technological invention? , What do you like to cook? , How did or how do you learn to cook? , How could you improve your cooking skills? , Are cooking shows popular in your country? Why or why not? , What do you have to do to become a chef? , Do you believe that 'we are what we eat'?, Have you got a pet? Why / Why not? , Do you know someone who owns an unusual pet? , When was the last time you went to a zoo? How was it? , What are the responsibilities that go with having a pet? , Can children learn by having a pet? , Some people think that people shouldn't wear animal furs. Do you agree? , Do you play any sports?, What sports do you like to watch or hate to watch? , Did or do you like PE lessons at school? Why or why not? , What is the most popular sport in your country? , What is the appeal of extreme sports? , Do countries profit from hosting the Olympic games? , Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle? , What is your attitute toward smoking? , How do you usually cope with stress? , What is healthy food? , What are the leading causes of death in your country? , In what ways can you improve your health? , Is public transportation a popular way of travelling in your country? , Do you like reading books? Why or why not? , Do you prefer classical or popular music? .

Interview Questions






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