1) Naprawdę go lubię. a) I really like him. b) I really like her. c) I really like them. 2) Znam ich. a) I know you. b) I know it. c) I know them. 3) Nie widzę cię. a) I can't see her. b) I can't see them. c) I can't see you. 4) Pomóż jej, proszę. a) Help me, please. b) Help her, please. c) Help him, please. 5) Nie potrzebuję cię. a) I don't need you. b) I don't need it. c) You don't need me. 6) Czy my cię znamy? a) Do you know me? b) Do I know you? c) Do we know you? 7) Nie potrzebujesz nas. a) You don't need us. b) You don't need them. c) You don't need me. 8) Uwielbiam to. a) I love him. b) I love her. c) I love it. 9) Daj im tę książkę. a) Give him this book. b) Give me this book. c) Give them this book. 10) Czy możesz dać nam tę książkę? a) Can you give us the book? b) Can you give me the book? c) Can you give her the book? 11) Nie rób mi tego. a) Don't do it to us. b) Don't do it to me. c) Don't do it to him. 12) Jak często to kupujesz? a) How often do you buy them? b) How often do you buy him? c) How often do you buy it?





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