A. Why are you looking out of the window?  B. I think there's _ in the house opposite. A. But _ has lived there for years! B. I know, that's why I'm looking., A. Are you going _ this summer? B. We haven't decided yet. But my wife wants to go _ nice and hot., A I'm so bored. There isn't _ to do in this town! And there's _ for young people to go., A. I phoned your office at 2.00 today, but _ answered., A. I'm hungry. I need _ to eat. B. Well, there's _ in the fridge., A. Where did you go last night? B. I didn't go _ . I was too tired. I stayed in., A. _ told me that their new album is very good. B. Really? I don't know _ who likes it., A. Did you buy _ this afternoon? B. No, _ . I didn't see _ that I liked., A. _ told Eva about the party. Was it you? B. Me? No, I haven't said _ to _ ..

some- any- no-







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