servitude - the Israelites are oppressed by another nation, repentance - the Israelites turn from their sin and pray for help, salvation - God answers the Israelites' cries for help, silence - the Israelites have a time of peace, Joshua - one of the narrative books of this time period, remember what God has done for you - Moses taught this to the israelites before he died, appointed judges - How did God show mercy when His people turned from Him? He __., Deborah - The prophetess who judged Israel, forty years - How long did the land have silence after Barak followed God's plan?, fleece - What object did Gideon use to confirm that God had chosen him to save Israel?, nazarite - Samson was one of these, Philistines - Samson started the process of freeing the Israelites from the ___., hair - Samson's strength was found in his __., Deborah Gideon Samson - judges, Naphtali Zebulun - Barak gathered men from these tribes of Israel, behaved worse than their fathers (ancestors) - The Israelites did this after a judge died,






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