When you have free time, do you prefer going out orstaying at home? Why?, Do you prefer watching sports or doing sports? Why?, What do you usually do when you are with your friends?, Tell us your best friend., What's your favourite type of music?, Tell me about your bedroom., What do you use the Internet for?, What is your favourite day of the week? Why?, Tell us about the clothes you like wearing., Tell us your favourite food and drink., What did you do yesterday?, Which famous person would you like to meet? Why?, Do you help your parents with the chores? How?, Tell us about a place you have visited., What do you usually do during break times at school?, What thing could you not live without? Why?, What is your favourite time of the year and why?, Which is your favourite meal of the day?, If you had supernatural power, what would it be?, If you were an animal, what animal would you like to be and why?.

Speaking - KET - Part 1






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